Monday, February 27, 2012

Googlizing States (part II) "Follow Up"

One thing that I am astonished with is the idea of a multi-faceted lesson plan. Not only can you work on it from the comfort of your own home, but you can allow for others to join in on the fun. It takes away from the idea of seeing people in person to get a task done. Being in various parts of the world is not a hinderance anymore. It adds a little excitement and symbolizes the advancement of technology. If teachers planned together on Friday's for the next week, this allows them to do it from anywhere in the buildling. One can eat something and CRUNCH real loudly while still working with a partner on completing the much needed task. I love the Google Docs and since I was introduced to it, I can't seem to stop. It is a great tool for kids who are working on a document in pairs. Both can be at home and not have to worry about meeting up at the library with thier partners if they have google docs. They can still get the assignment done together while in seperate places. This is one of many things Google Docs is extoled for. The Google chat is also a useful tool. This gives you the facebook, or twitter feel while working on a document. You have 3 or 4 uses in one program. The idea of Google is catching on and the Goggliness of this technology will make the world google for technology.....

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