Thursday, April 26, 2012

Oh where, oh where are my memories....

Stepping back to see all of the ripping and running you have done can be quite refreshing. As a toddler, I always wanted to be on the go and socialize with everyone I saw. I wanted to go from state to state letting people get a witness of my personality. As I started my life's journey, I became aware of the different things that held its own significance compared to another. I received valuable memories that I took from each place. When I came to a standstill, I was happy with how much I accomplished. When I took the tile of a teacher, I wanted my students to feel that same way about thier journey. Google maps offers a way for you to track your progress and the various places you have been to. Each point represents a memory that only makes you smile. Students that create a map similar to mine will grasp the same effect if they attach a memory to each. It acts on prior knowlege and gets them to provide details for thier memory. A project can be implemented where students place a point where they have been or are going to go. They can show this map to others through a presentation and have students answer questions formed by the presenter off of the 12 power words. It establishes critical thinking and is a great way to see how many places you have touched throughout your lifetime.

Friday, April 20, 2012

This state has been "SCRATCHED!"

Creating stories has never been such a hands on tool until you have been "scratched." After you have been scratched, you will soon realize how great it is to experience such a tool. This program has given students the ability to be creative when it comes to making their own story whether it is one or two slides. The breakdown of the program lays out the purpose of this program and how it can directly effect the students. It helps produce 21st century skills that students need to be cognizant and afloat. It speaks to the idea of just equipping students with the reading and writing capabilities. This program interweaves more into the minds of students by getting them familiar with operating a variety of media and piecing together different variations to produce one product. The critical thinking that students will be exposed to make for a challenging experience. I could see my students using the program for a project on details, implications and inferences. By putting together a small story with few details to see, they have to rely on the setting and possible character to formulate more ideas. It allows them to first create and then discuss about the way they see things playing out. This will be a great persuasive tool to present before our administration so that we can get more laptops in the classroom. With more laptops come more opportunities to explore scratch and prezi.  Everyone who enters this state will immediately be "SCRATCHED."

Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Branding" a NEW Strategy

Promoting various types of media in the classroom has been the outline for teachers. When we get together to plan or begin something new, we get into a huddle and break with the idea of letting students see the same reading strategy, or literary element in a different light. Pushing technology is a way of adapting to a new generation that has far more expectations with better technological devices at their finger tips. They are expected to know how to do more and the bar only gets higher with each passing year. If budgets allow, administration will do everything in its power to give teachers the best educational tools. The problem lies therein because of the all-important goal of raising test scores, every product that is branded will be pursued by education even though it may not be beneficial for the classrooms. In the article "Privacy in the age of Facebook," the loopholes that people go through just to worm their way into the lives of others speaks to some flaws in technology. While this message speaks to the idea that this type of deception is evident, branding for a new device in the school system can send the same message. The deception and the thievery of a device and its inability to get a child to think can be the same flaw as a security breach because a child's ability to analyze things can be taken away with every little gadget at their disposal. Our technology can take off when used properly. It is a struggle with some to take part, but others flourish with it. Getting everything that looks good is not a need because it just keeps adding on to the things we let collect dust while wasting money in the process. Branding technology has its benefits, but only if the type of branding features a key that will really benefit our future leaders.

Picturesque with a touch of "STYLE"

When a teacher is stuck with finding a way to introduce material to a class, it is an overwhelming decision by many teachers to scour the web, or use the intuitive minds that have been hard at work, for a PowerPoint presentation. This adds security and puts a teacher at ease because this is a simple system that has worked before and gives the teacher a sense of mastery because they can work the ends and outs of Microsoft PowerPoint. A useful tool, but at times it is a little outdated. The turn of the century called for new means of introducing materials and with all of the bright ideas, PowerPoint has easily been replaced by other means of technology. Allowing students to see things clearly through artful presentations can make for a nice lesson. My journey has started with Microsoft PowerPoint and slowly transitioned to Prezi. Prezi was introduced to me by a colleague who used it for her undergraduate class. That coupled with the mention of Prezi at a middle school conference found me exploring with it. I began to become more fluent in my uses of it while abandoning PowerPoint.  One of my first Prezi's featured a story we read called the Amigo Brothers. It really caught their attention and it gave them insight about the characters before reading, during and after reading. Podcasting is still an experiment in its trial stages, but it makes for a great way to feature episodes. Students have free range in how they want to put their spin to it. All three types of productions can help students see things that may not be visible if they jumped straight into a book. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


When you think of the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words," it really holds true because pictures represent more than just words. They represent feelings and thoughts that a reader has when glancing at the image. Students will either read a book when asked to or not, but looking at pictures seem more enticing. A new way of looking at stories has emerged through Storify. This tool has become the newest story teller that technology has given classrooms. Taking a topic and getting different views on it via Facebook, Twitter, Google act as a critical aspect that allows students to think. In my project, Presidential Campaign, the idea of words has taken a back seat to the pictures which represent more to the eye of a student. Studying faces and movements give students a sense of symbolism and possible characteristics. It allows them to form vivid images by combining pictures and words. This powerful combination is one step in transforming the classroom into a place that every child wants to be. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Weebling around and around and around

The creation of websites seem to be growing on people and in the continuing realm of education, teachers are becoming crafty in constructing a website that caters to their needs. With so many websites to try your hand in, it resembles a buffet with each dish filling you up with its own goodness. Weebly is one that I recently tried and it has produced some intriguing results. Despite some minor issues with cost, it seems to be one that can really help anyone looking to start a website. The templates are unique and the details that are implemented make for a nice site for onlookers. While some people are mired in other ways of organization, Weebly can keep the teacher organized as well as keeping them on their toes about updating information. It is similar to Blackboard because of the things that could be displayed. Blackboard seems to be a universal key that we all have used in order to open the doors to a respectable grade in our classes. Blackboard holds syllabus' and grades, lectures and also helpful websites that can be revisited. Blackboard is a model that I go by when trying to create something similar to it. Weebly gives the same concept, but without payment, you are restricted to certain tags and material. Not that much freedom goes into Weebly, but it is a project that one can delve into if they want to explore their creative minds.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Googlizing States (part II) "Follow Up"

One thing that I am astonished with is the idea of a multi-faceted lesson plan. Not only can you work on it from the comfort of your own home, but you can allow for others to join in on the fun. It takes away from the idea of seeing people in person to get a task done. Being in various parts of the world is not a hinderance anymore. It adds a little excitement and symbolizes the advancement of technology. If teachers planned together on Friday's for the next week, this allows them to do it from anywhere in the buildling. One can eat something and CRUNCH real loudly while still working with a partner on completing the much needed task. I love the Google Docs and since I was introduced to it, I can't seem to stop. It is a great tool for kids who are working on a document in pairs. Both can be at home and not have to worry about meeting up at the library with thier partners if they have google docs. They can still get the assignment done together while in seperate places. This is one of many things Google Docs is extoled for. The Google chat is also a useful tool. This gives you the facebook, or twitter feel while working on a document. You have 3 or 4 uses in one program. The idea of Google is catching on and the Goggliness of this technology will make the world google for technology.....

Monday, February 20, 2012

"Googlizing" States all over!!!

The new wave of Google has captivated audiences all over. The new wave has created so much buzz, any type of assignment has been known to yield towards Google for results. Becoming so dependent on Google was once a thing everyone was involved in. The results that it presented and the presumed accuracy attached made it a reliable source. The more one delves into the idea of "Google" and its foundation, the less attractive it seems. Nicholas Carr has created a sound argument against Google and his claims are lined up with what I've seen and done. I have heard about the idea that "in order to find an answer, Google it". It has also been mentioned that "Google" is my best friend. Intellectual ability has been slowly diminished and the critical thinking has been abandoned by many people. According to Carr, Google “is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation.” It correlates with a video/book theory. Whenever a book comes out and its movie is released directly after it, some people would watch the movie and claim they read the book based off of their knowledge of the movie. By watching just the movie, they are stripped of the knowledge that could be gained by reading the book. Expanding one's vocabulary is also lost, while their minds are only at ease through watching motion pictures. Google has the same method and acts as the movie. The critical thinking one could receive by looking through other types of research can be symbolized as the book to the movie.  

Being completely dependent on Google has its disadvantages. As mentioned in the lecture by Dr. Tryon, Google pulls forward information to searches that may or may not be the best of links. The "first come, first serve" basis is put forth and many researchers fail to evaluate this method. While many people explore only the first page of links, the valuable information is put off if it is found on pages 2-10. Like a resume, many people are only concerned with the first page and all extra information is useless and discarded. In the article by Carr "Is Google Making Us Stupid," the web is somewhat weakening the capacity of deep reading that was once considered a strong suit. In the article, it is stated that we "are mere decoders of information" and quickly look to get the job done rather than process the information critically. The argument that Google makes the reader disengaged with their minds is true when attempting to critical read and dive into a passage. This lack of critical thinking makes this state "googly" and the potential is bare. Time for a change......Well see, stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Sweet State of Delicious

In reflecting on the things that I have done in the classroom to be better prepared, I find myself researching the same things over and over again. The more the wheel of researching goes around, the more my head starts to spin. It is like going to Wal-Mart looking for something in particular, but going past the same things that you constantly buy. A classroom teacher is constantly learning new ways to better improve instruction so that every child can learn. While living up to that standard, organization has to come in because in finding things for a lesson, I seem to pass the same things I have used before while trying to find something different about that same topic. With organizational habits come "Evernote". This aid proved useful in saving sites and pages while going back to them as a reference when needed. In reading on the idea of "Delicious" and "Diigo," both add another dimension to the idea of organizing one's notebook. Delicious places information into various categories called stacks. In those stacks, one can see the array of information that act as a bulletin board. By giving a brief look at what the stack holds, it gives the reader an option of whether they want to explore the links on the stack even further. It reminds me of the application on my phone called "Pulse". Both have trending things on them and it pulls out the information instead of you browsing the website looking for the news. This time saving application is very handy with current news and helps one stay on track with the current events.

This sweet state helps teachers get more ahead in the technology department because of the resources that are available. New links can provide avenues to new ideas that create a breakthrough in the lives of children. This personal library can be stuffed with all of your educational and personal fascinations. In the fairness of competition, this state is bribing its way in an effort to receive all types of votes. It is satisfying the sweet tooth of so many people with a lingering after taste for more.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Showdown in the "Wiki" State

Our next stop rests at the state that is sometimes considered the place of “debates”. In this state, there are issues that keep going like an energizer bunny. There are issues that will not rest, no matter who tries to step in and put the fire out. Newspaper after newspaper feature issues that are being propagated throughout the state. This state is officially called “Wikipedia”. In this state, it is useful to see the wealth of information embedded and also the number of people adding their knowledge to a growing pool. While this knowledge is sometimes deemed irrelevant and opinionated, a fresh breath comes after noticing the positives that can come out of this. As a student, Wikipedia was a site that I leaned on for support. It helped me clarify terms and theories. By researching other entities, I was firm in my belief that Wikipedia was useful and accurate. Colleagues say that Google is considered a woman’s boyfriend and a man’s girlfriend when it comes to education because of the broadness and the reliability. Google, a trusted site, produces Wikipedia as a top result for many searchable topics. While that has little bearing on the idea of Wikipedia becoming a trusted site, it shines light for students and strategies that could benefit them. In an attempt to have students think for themselves, the idea is that thinking for oneself provides avenues for self-learning and the solidarity of standing on one’s opinion versus believing everything one reads. By researching, it provides students with the drive to prove something for themselves and the confidence to present information to others. It is interesting to watch the expression on the face of a child who has a rebuttal against a teacher. The fire in their eyes as they strive to prove one wrong and the intuitiveness to back up their statement brings nothing but satisfaction. Their goal of “I’m smarter than the teacher” acts as a medal that they can show off to everyone. The challenge is getting that same drive and directing it towards learning about things they are interested in. The previous state of Twitter produced an interesting idea towards its incorporation into the classroom. This state of Wikipedia brings another avenue of active engagement with the idea of “wikis”. By seeing how Wikipedia works, students can form their own wiki and have people edit their work over time. By adding information to a wiki, it will be a way of watching the views of others on any given topic the student chooses. Having a student produce a wiki adds the pressure of making sure their information is correct and accurate. This sense of freedom, like twitter, makes this incorporation one that lasts more than a year. This can add an effect that travels with students for years to come. This is one of the ways to keep up with this ever-changing world of blogging. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tweet Tweet Tweet all about it....

The beautiful world of blogging has taken a turn towards the state I officially call “Twitter”. In this state, there have been many excited people wanting to try this new fad. This new fad has taken over the minds of many young people. The excitement over micro-blogging has created students that are possessed with writing down what they will be doing once they get home. The excitement has gotten students to create pseudonyms to mask their identity in order to run free around a network full of trending topics. The topics range from national news, presidential debates, the evening’s television programs and which celebrities are divorcing this month. Each topic has its own juice to keep the interest of students for a considerable amount of time. While skipping from one topic to another, students leave a tweet so others will know who left their presence with the topic. Students are very aware of the topics to the point of the slightest inkling sparking a class debate. Being very knowledgeable of the micro-blogging has placed the idea my mind that the things I expect from my students are very doable, despite their “noncompliance” at times. While so many kids are traveling through this state, their interest in it could be the gateway to a whole new world inside of the classroom.
The state “Twitter” can be very useful inside of the classroom because of backchannel discussion it produces. In the effort of adding life to the classroom, students can discuss the ideas behind books without disrupting the flow of the class. With each student under their pseudonym, they can tweet about the book by offering their opinions about the main character and possible solutions. Everyone falling under the same umbrella can create a discussion that lasts for the period. Getting the teacher involved to help mediate and chime in on the discussion is wonderful for the psyche of the teacher and students. The teacher-student relationship can be created with a strong adhesiveness that gives the student satisfaction of the teachers trust in them. Twitter acts as a tool for teachers and students to collaborate outside of school on assignments and questions that students have about various projects. While this is only one useful tip, it helps solidify the reason why the state of “Twitter” can be implemented in the classroom. This state is one on the rise and could make some noise like Florida is doing for the Republican debate.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blogging (In or Out)

In the everchanging world of technology, new inventions are being discovered and it leaves many minds wondering how to stay afloat. While one new innovation has thousands of users flocking to it and tirelessly becoming professionals of it, other products are quietly being formed waiting for the right moment to let loose. As an educator, it is becoming a challenge to wrap my mind around all of the techological tools and becoming fluent enough to present it to my students. While the end result would be mind boggling for them, the attachment to education and the relevance to a lesson is still undecided.

I would love to incorporate materials like blogging into a classroom stuck on the traditional powerpoint and whiteboard uses. Attempting to use twitter to explain how characters can write to each other in today's time versus the previous generation, or use blogging to sense the opinions of a crowd over whether they like or dislike a leader can be a great way to bring a story to life. I find myself looking into a world of technology contemplating whether I can manage the change from the typical teaching style once viewed as "the way." As much as change really upsets people, in this case, change may not be such a bad thing.

Blogging would be a breakthrough for my students because it would wake up the students who find success in sleeping all period and it will open their eyes to something different. Blogging would be a way for kids to see how interacting with each other over a computer would alter their outlook of each other. They would see their own language, as well as each other's responses. Automatically, their grammar would change and their admiration for the technology would flood their minds to the point where it is more important than other things. It would be a fad that many students would be hooked on. They would be more consistent in doing their assignments via the web and the love for education would grow. It is a world that may draw me in to the point of me looking out saying "What took me so long?"